The Wall Street Journal
Friday, December 30, 2005
Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam
By Abdurrahman Wahid
JAKARTA -- News organizations report that Osama bin Laden has obtained a
religious edict from a misguided Saudi cleric, justifying the use of nuclear
weapons against America and the infliction of mass casualties. It requires great
emotional strength to confront the potential ramifications of this fact. Yet can
anyone doubt that those who joyfully incinerate the occupants of office
buildings, commuter trains, hotels and nightclubs would leap at the chance to
magnify their damage a thousandfold?
Imagine the impact of a single nuclear bomb detonated in New York, London,
Paris, Sydney or L.A.! What about two or three? The entire edifice of modern
civilization is built on economic and technological foundations that terrorists
hope to collapse with nuclear attacks like so many fishing huts in the wake of
a tsunami.
Just two small, well-placed bombs devastated Bali's tourist economy in 2002
and sent much of its population back to the rice fields and out to sea, to fill
their empty bellies. What would be the effect of a global economic crisis in
the wake of attacks far more devastating than those of Bali or 9/11?
It is time for people of goodwill from every faith and nation to recognize
that a terrible danger threatens humanity. We cannot afford to continue
"business as usual" in the face of this existential threat. Rather, we must set
our international and partisan bickering, and join to confront the danger that
lies before us.
* * *
An extreme and perverse ideology in the minds of fanatics is what directly
threatens us (specifically, Wahhabi/Salafi ideology -- a minority fundamentalist
religious cult fueled by petrodollars). Yet underlying, enabling and
exacerbating this threat of religious extremism is a global crisis of
All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam, which teaches one to be lenient
towards others and to understand their value systems, knowing that these are
tolerated by Islam as a religion. The essence of Islam is encapsulated in the
words of the Quran, "For you, your religion; for me, my religion." That is the
essence of tolerance. Religious fanatics -- either purposely or out of ignorance
-- pervert Islam into a dogma of intolerance, hatred and bloodshed. They
justify their brutality with slogans such as "Islam is above everything else."
seek to intimidate and subdue anyone who does not share their extremist
views, regardless of nationality or religion. While a few are quick to shed
themselves, countless millions of others sympathize with their violent actions,
or join in the complicity of silence.
This crisis of misunderstanding -- of Islam by Muslims themselves -- is
compounded by the failure of governments, people of other faiths, and the
of well-intentioned Muslims to resist, isolate and discredit this dangerous
ideology. The crisis thus afflicts Muslims and non-Muslims alike, with tragic
consequences. Failure to understand the true nature of Islam permits the
continued radicalization of Muslims world-wide, while blinding the rest of
to a solution which hides in plain sight.
The most effective way to overcome Islamist extremism is to explain what
Islam truly is to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Without that explanation,
will tend to accept the unrefuted extremist view -- further radicalizing
Muslims, and turning the rest of the world against Islam itself.
Accomplishing this task will be neither quick nor easy. In recent decades,
Wahhabi/Salafi ideology has made substantial inroads throughout the Muslim
world. Islamic fundamentalism has become a well-financed, multifaceted global
movement that operates like a juggernaut in much of the developing world, and
among immigrant Muslim communities in the West. To neutralize the virulent
ideology that underlies fundamentalist terrorism and threatens the very
foundations of modern civilization, we must identify its advocates, understand
goals and strategies, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and effectively
counter their every move. What we are talking about is nothing less than a
global struggle for the soul of Islam.
* * *
The Sunni (as opposed to Shiite) fundamentalists' goals generally include:
claiming to restore the perfection of the early Islam practiced by Muhammad and
his companions, who are known in Arabic as al-Salaf al-Salih, "the Righteous
Ancestors"; establishing a utopian society based on these Salafi principles, by
imposing their interpretation of Islamic law on all members of society;
annihilating local variants of Islam in the name of authenticity and purity;
transforming Islam from a personal faith into an authoritarian political system;
establishing a pan-Islamic caliphate governed according to the strict tenets of
Salafi Islam, and often conceived as stretching from Morocco to Indonesia and
the Philippines; and, ultimately, bringing the entire world under the sway of
their extremist ideology.
Fundamentalist strategy is often simple as well as brilliant. Extremists are
quick to drape themselves in the mantle of Islam and declare their opponents
kafir, or infidels, and thus smooth the way for slaughtering nonfundamentalist
Muslims. Their theology rests upon a simplistic, literal and highly selective
reading of the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic traditions), through which they
seek to entrap the world-wide Muslim community in the confines of their narrow
ideological grasp. Expansionist by nature, most fundamentalist groups constantly
probe for weakness and an opportunity to strike, at any time or place, to
further their authoritarian goals.
The armed ghazis (Islamic warriors) raiding from New York to Jakarta,
Istanbul, Baghdad, London and Madrid are only the tip of the iceberg,
forerunners of
a vast and growing population that shares their radical views and ultimate
objectives. The formidable strengths of this world-wide fundamentalist movement
1) An aggressive program with clear ideological and political goals; 2)
immense funding from oil-rich Wahhabi sponsors; 3) the ability to distribute
in impoverished areas to buy loyalty and power; 4) a claim to and aura of
religious authenticity and Arab prestige; 5) an appeal to Islamic identity,
and history; 6) an ability to blend into the much larger traditionalist masses
and blur the distinction between moderate Islam and their brand of religious
extremism; 7) full-time commitment by its agents/leadership; 8) networks of
Islamic schools that propagate extremism; 9) the absence of organized opposition
in the Islamic world; 10) a global network of fundamentalist imams who guide
their flocks to extremism; 11) a well-oiled "machine" established to
translate, publish and distribute Wahhabi/Salafi propaganda and disseminate its
ideology throughout the world; 12) scholarships for locals to study in Saudi
and return with degrees and indoctrination, to serve as future leaders; 13) the
ability to cross national and cultural borders in the name of religion; 14)
Internet communication; and 15) the reluctance of many national governments to
supervise or control this entire process.
We must employ effective strategies to counter each of these fundamentalist
strengths. This can be accomplished only by bringing the combined weight of the
vast majority of peace-loving Muslims, and the non-Muslim world, to bear in a
coordinated global campaign whose goal is to resolve the crisis of
misunderstanding that threatens to engulf our entire world.
An effective counterstrategy must be based upon a realistic assessment of our
own strengths and weaknesses in the face of religious extremism and terror.
Disunity, of course, has proved fatal to countless human societies faced with a
similar existential threat. A lack of seriousness in confronting the imminent
danger is likewise often fatal. Those who seek to promote a peaceful and
tolerant understanding of Islam must overcome the paralyzing effects of inertia,
and harness a number of actual or potential strengths, which can play a key
role in neutralizing fundamentalist ideology. These strengths not only are
in the struggle with religious extremism, but in their mirror form they point
to the weakness at the heart of fundamentalist ideology. They are:
1) Human dignity, which demands freedom of conscience and rejects the forced
imposition of religious views; 2) the ability to mobilize immense resources to
bring to bear on this problem, once it is identified and a global commitment
is made to solve it; 3) the ability to leverage resources by supporting
individuals and organizations that truly embrace a peaceful and tolerant Islam;
nearly 1,400 years of Islamic traditions and spirituality, which are inimical
to fundamentalist ideology; 5) appeals to local and national -- as well as
Islamic -- culture/traditions/pride; 6) the power of the feminine spirit, and
fact that half of humanity consists of women, who have an inherent stake in
the outcome of this struggle; 7) traditional and Sufi leadership and masses, who
are not yet radicalized (strong numeric advantage: 85% to 90% of the world's
1.3 billion Muslims); 8) the ability to harness networks of Islamic schools to
propagate a peaceful and tolerant Islam; 9) the natural tendency of
like-minded people to work together when alerted to a common danger; 10) the
ability to
form a global network of like-minded individuals, organizations and opinion
leaders to promote moderate and progressive ideas throughout the Muslim world;
11) the existence of a counterideology, in the form of traditional, Sufi and
modern Islamic teachings, and the ability to translate such works into key
languages; 12) the benefits of modernity, for all its flaws, and the widespread
appeal of popular culture; 13) the ability to cross national and cultural
borders in the name of religion; 14) Internet communications, to disseminate
progressive views -- linking and inspiring like-minded individuals and
throughout the world; 15) the nation-state; and 16) the universal human desire
for freedom, justice and a better life for oneself and loved ones.
Though potentially decisive, most of these advantages remain latent or
diffuse, and require mobilization to be effective in confronting fundamentalist
ideology. In addition, no effort to defeat religious extremism can succeed
ultimately cutting off the flow of petrodollars used to finance that
extremism, from Leeds to Jakarta.
Only by recognizing the problem, putting an end to the bickering within and
between nation-states, and adopting a coherent long-term plan (executed with
international leadership and commitment) can we begin to apply the brakes to the
rampant spread of extremist ideas and hope to resolve the world's crisis of
misunderstanding before the global economy and modern civilization itself begin
to crumble in the face of truly devastating attacks.
Muslims themselves can and must propagate an understanding of the "right"
Islam, and thereby discredit extremist ideology. Yet to accomplish this task
requires the understanding and support of like-minded individuals, organizations
and governments throughout the world. Our goal must be to illuminate the hearts
and minds of humanity, and offer a compelling alternate vision of Islam, one
that banishes the fanatical ideology of hatred to the darkness from which it
Mr. Wahid, former president of Indonesia, is patron and senior advisor to the
LibForAll Foundation (, an Indonesian and U.S.-based
nonprofit that works to reduce religious extremism and discredit the use of
Available from:
also from:
Islam Benar vs. Islam Salah
Muslim dan non-Muslim harus bersatu untuk mengalahkan ideologi Wahhabi
Jum'at, 30 Desember 2005 12:01 a.m. EST
Available from:
Friday, December 30, 2005
Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam
By Abdurrahman Wahid
JAKARTA -- News organizations report that Osama bin Laden has obtained a
religious edict from a misguided Saudi cleric, justifying the use of nuclear
weapons against America and the infliction of mass casualties. It requires great
emotional strength to confront the potential ramifications of this fact. Yet can
anyone doubt that those who joyfully incinerate the occupants of office
buildings, commuter trains, hotels and nightclubs would leap at the chance to
magnify their damage a thousandfold?
Imagine the impact of a single nuclear bomb detonated in New York, London,
Paris, Sydney or L.A.! What about two or three? The entire edifice of modern
civilization is built on economic and technological foundations that terrorists
hope to collapse with nuclear attacks like so many fishing huts in the wake of
a tsunami.
Just two small, well-placed bombs devastated Bali's tourist economy in 2002
and sent much of its population back to the rice fields and out to sea, to fill
their empty bellies. What would be the effect of a global economic crisis in
the wake of attacks far more devastating than those of Bali or 9/11?
It is time for people of goodwill from every faith and nation to recognize
that a terrible danger threatens humanity. We cannot afford to continue
"business as usual" in the face of this existential threat. Rather, we must set
our international and partisan bickering, and join to confront the danger that
lies before us.
* * *
An extreme and perverse ideology in the minds of fanatics is what directly
threatens us (specifically, Wahhabi/Salafi ideology -- a minority fundamentalist
religious cult fueled by petrodollars). Yet underlying, enabling and
exacerbating this threat of religious extremism is a global crisis of
All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam, which teaches one to be lenient
towards others and to understand their value systems, knowing that these are
tolerated by Islam as a religion. The essence of Islam is encapsulated in the
words of the Quran, "For you, your religion; for me, my religion." That is the
essence of tolerance. Religious fanatics -- either purposely or out of ignorance
-- pervert Islam into a dogma of intolerance, hatred and bloodshed. They
justify their brutality with slogans such as "Islam is above everything else."
seek to intimidate and subdue anyone who does not share their extremist
views, regardless of nationality or religion. While a few are quick to shed
themselves, countless millions of others sympathize with their violent actions,
or join in the complicity of silence.
This crisis of misunderstanding -- of Islam by Muslims themselves -- is
compounded by the failure of governments, people of other faiths, and the
of well-intentioned Muslims to resist, isolate and discredit this dangerous
ideology. The crisis thus afflicts Muslims and non-Muslims alike, with tragic
consequences. Failure to understand the true nature of Islam permits the
continued radicalization of Muslims world-wide, while blinding the rest of
to a solution which hides in plain sight.
The most effective way to overcome Islamist extremism is to explain what
Islam truly is to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Without that explanation,
will tend to accept the unrefuted extremist view -- further radicalizing
Muslims, and turning the rest of the world against Islam itself.
Accomplishing this task will be neither quick nor easy. In recent decades,
Wahhabi/Salafi ideology has made substantial inroads throughout the Muslim
world. Islamic fundamentalism has become a well-financed, multifaceted global
movement that operates like a juggernaut in much of the developing world, and
among immigrant Muslim communities in the West. To neutralize the virulent
ideology that underlies fundamentalist terrorism and threatens the very
foundations of modern civilization, we must identify its advocates, understand
goals and strategies, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and effectively
counter their every move. What we are talking about is nothing less than a
global struggle for the soul of Islam.
* * *
The Sunni (as opposed to Shiite) fundamentalists' goals generally include:
claiming to restore the perfection of the early Islam practiced by Muhammad and
his companions, who are known in Arabic as al-Salaf al-Salih, "the Righteous
Ancestors"; establishing a utopian society based on these Salafi principles, by
imposing their interpretation of Islamic law on all members of society;
annihilating local variants of Islam in the name of authenticity and purity;
transforming Islam from a personal faith into an authoritarian political system;
establishing a pan-Islamic caliphate governed according to the strict tenets of
Salafi Islam, and often conceived as stretching from Morocco to Indonesia and
the Philippines; and, ultimately, bringing the entire world under the sway of
their extremist ideology.
Fundamentalist strategy is often simple as well as brilliant. Extremists are
quick to drape themselves in the mantle of Islam and declare their opponents
kafir, or infidels, and thus smooth the way for slaughtering nonfundamentalist
Muslims. Their theology rests upon a simplistic, literal and highly selective
reading of the Quran and Sunnah (prophetic traditions), through which they
seek to entrap the world-wide Muslim community in the confines of their narrow
ideological grasp. Expansionist by nature, most fundamentalist groups constantly
probe for weakness and an opportunity to strike, at any time or place, to
further their authoritarian goals.
The armed ghazis (Islamic warriors) raiding from New York to Jakarta,
Istanbul, Baghdad, London and Madrid are only the tip of the iceberg,
forerunners of
a vast and growing population that shares their radical views and ultimate
objectives. The formidable strengths of this world-wide fundamentalist movement
1) An aggressive program with clear ideological and political goals; 2)
immense funding from oil-rich Wahhabi sponsors; 3) the ability to distribute
in impoverished areas to buy loyalty and power; 4) a claim to and aura of
religious authenticity and Arab prestige; 5) an appeal to Islamic identity,
and history; 6) an ability to blend into the much larger traditionalist masses
and blur the distinction between moderate Islam and their brand of religious
extremism; 7) full-time commitment by its agents/leadership; 8) networks of
Islamic schools that propagate extremism; 9) the absence of organized opposition
in the Islamic world; 10) a global network of fundamentalist imams who guide
their flocks to extremism; 11) a well-oiled "machine" established to
translate, publish and distribute Wahhabi/Salafi propaganda and disseminate its
ideology throughout the world; 12) scholarships for locals to study in Saudi
and return with degrees and indoctrination, to serve as future leaders; 13) the
ability to cross national and cultural borders in the name of religion; 14)
Internet communication; and 15) the reluctance of many national governments to
supervise or control this entire process.
We must employ effective strategies to counter each of these fundamentalist
strengths. This can be accomplished only by bringing the combined weight of the
vast majority of peace-loving Muslims, and the non-Muslim world, to bear in a
coordinated global campaign whose goal is to resolve the crisis of
misunderstanding that threatens to engulf our entire world.
An effective counterstrategy must be based upon a realistic assessment of our
own strengths and weaknesses in the face of religious extremism and terror.
Disunity, of course, has proved fatal to countless human societies faced with a
similar existential threat. A lack of seriousness in confronting the imminent
danger is likewise often fatal. Those who seek to promote a peaceful and
tolerant understanding of Islam must overcome the paralyzing effects of inertia,
and harness a number of actual or potential strengths, which can play a key
role in neutralizing fundamentalist ideology. These strengths not only are
in the struggle with religious extremism, but in their mirror form they point
to the weakness at the heart of fundamentalist ideology. They are:
1) Human dignity, which demands freedom of conscience and rejects the forced
imposition of religious views; 2) the ability to mobilize immense resources to
bring to bear on this problem, once it is identified and a global commitment
is made to solve it; 3) the ability to leverage resources by supporting
individuals and organizations that truly embrace a peaceful and tolerant Islam;
nearly 1,400 years of Islamic traditions and spirituality, which are inimical
to fundamentalist ideology; 5) appeals to local and national -- as well as
Islamic -- culture/traditions/pride; 6) the power of the feminine spirit, and
fact that half of humanity consists of women, who have an inherent stake in
the outcome of this struggle; 7) traditional and Sufi leadership and masses, who
are not yet radicalized (strong numeric advantage: 85% to 90% of the world's
1.3 billion Muslims); 8) the ability to harness networks of Islamic schools to
propagate a peaceful and tolerant Islam; 9) the natural tendency of
like-minded people to work together when alerted to a common danger; 10) the
ability to
form a global network of like-minded individuals, organizations and opinion
leaders to promote moderate and progressive ideas throughout the Muslim world;
11) the existence of a counterideology, in the form of traditional, Sufi and
modern Islamic teachings, and the ability to translate such works into key
languages; 12) the benefits of modernity, for all its flaws, and the widespread
appeal of popular culture; 13) the ability to cross national and cultural
borders in the name of religion; 14) Internet communications, to disseminate
progressive views -- linking and inspiring like-minded individuals and
throughout the world; 15) the nation-state; and 16) the universal human desire
for freedom, justice and a better life for oneself and loved ones.
Though potentially decisive, most of these advantages remain latent or
diffuse, and require mobilization to be effective in confronting fundamentalist
ideology. In addition, no effort to defeat religious extremism can succeed
ultimately cutting off the flow of petrodollars used to finance that
extremism, from Leeds to Jakarta.
Only by recognizing the problem, putting an end to the bickering within and
between nation-states, and adopting a coherent long-term plan (executed with
international leadership and commitment) can we begin to apply the brakes to the
rampant spread of extremist ideas and hope to resolve the world's crisis of
misunderstanding before the global economy and modern civilization itself begin
to crumble in the face of truly devastating attacks.
Muslims themselves can and must propagate an understanding of the "right"
Islam, and thereby discredit extremist ideology. Yet to accomplish this task
requires the understanding and support of like-minded individuals, organizations
and governments throughout the world. Our goal must be to illuminate the hearts
and minds of humanity, and offer a compelling alternate vision of Islam, one
that banishes the fanatical ideology of hatred to the darkness from which it
Mr. Wahid, former president of Indonesia, is patron and senior advisor to the
LibForAll Foundation (, an Indonesian and U.S.-based
nonprofit that works to reduce religious extremism and discredit the use of
Available from:
also from:
Islam Benar vs. Islam Salah
Muslim dan non-Muslim harus bersatu untuk mengalahkan ideologi Wahhabi
Jum'at, 30 Desember 2005 12:01 a.m. EST
JAKARTA--Agen-agen berita melaporkan
bahwa Osama bin
Laden telah mendapat fatwa dari seorang ulama Saudi yang salah,
yang membenarkan pengunaan senjata nuklir melawan Amerika dan membunuh
orang-orang tak berdosa. Dibutuhkan kekuatan emosional yang luar
biasa untuk melawan dampak-dampak potensial fakta ini. Tapi bisakah
siapa pun meragukan bahwa mereka yang dengan suka cita memusnahkan
penghuni bangunan perkantoran, angkutan kota, hotel-hotel dan
klab-klab malam akan tiba-tiba menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk
meningkatkan kerusakan perbuatannya berlipat ganda?
Bayangkan pengaruh satu bom nuklir
yang diledakkan di New York, London, Paris, Sydney atau L.A.! Apa
jadinya jika dua atau tiga? Seluruh bangunan besar peradaban modern
yang dibangun di atas dasar ekonomi dan teknologi yang ingin para
teroris hancurkan dengan serangan-serangan nuklir seperti banyak
rumah nelayan saat dilanda tsunami.
Hanya dua bom kecil, diletakkan dengan tepat
telah bisa menghancurkan ekonomi wisata Bali pada tahun 2002 dan mengirim
kebanyakan penduduknya kembali ke ladang dan menangkap ikan, untuk
mengisi perut mereka. Dampak apa yang akan terjadi terhadap krisis
perekonomian global menyusul serangan-serangan yang jauh lebih
dahsyat daripada bom-bom Bali atau 11/9?
Sekaranglah waktunya bagi orang-orang yang berhati
tulus dari setiap agama dan bangsa untuk menyadari bahwa sebuah bahaya
yang sangat mengerikan tengah mengancam umat manusia. Kita tidak bisa
masa bodoh lagi untuk meneruskan "bisnis seperti biasa" di
hadapan ancaman yang jelas ini. Bahkan, kita harus mengesampingkan
remeh-temeh nasional dan internasional kita, dan bersama menghadapi
bahaya yang terbentang di hadapan kita.
Sebuah ideologi yang ekstrem dan salah
dalam pikiran kaum fanaik adalah apa yang secara langsung mengancam kita (secara
khusus, ideologi Wahhabi/Salafi--sebuah kultur religius fundamentalis
minoritas yang didanai oleh para ptrodolar). Namun yang melandasi,
memungkikan, dan memperburuk ancaman ekstremisme religius ini adalah
krisis kesalahpahaman global.
Sungguh amat banyak Muslim yang
gagal memahami Islam, yang mengajarkan seseorang untuk bersikap
lembut pada yang lain dan untuk memahami sistem-sistem nilai mereka,
menyadari bahwa semua ini ditoleransi sebagai agama oleh Islam. Esensi Islam tersimpul dalam ayat-ayat al-Quran, "Bagimu,
agamamu; bagiku, agamaku." Itulah esensi toleransi.
Kaum fanatik religius --secara sengaja atau karena bodoh-- mengubah Islam
menjadi sebuah dogma intoleransi, kebencian dan pertumpahan darah.
Mereka membenarkan brutalitasnya dengan slogan seperti "Islam
di atas segalanya."
Mereka berusaha mengintimidasi dan menundukkan siapa pun yang tidak
berbagi pandangan-pandangan ekstremis mereka, tanpa memperhatikan
kebangsaan atau agama. Sementara sedikit yang mudah menumpahkan darah
diri mereka sendiri, tak terhitung jutaan lainnya yang simpati pada
tindakan-tindakan keras mereka, atau ikut dalam ambil bagin secara
Krisis kesalahpahaman --Islam oleh Muslim
sendiri-- ini didukung oleh kegagalan pemerintah,
orang-orang dari agama lain, dan mayoritas Muslim yang secara sengaja
menolak, mengisolasi dan mendiskreditkan ideologi yang berbahaya ini.
Dengan demikian krisis ini mempengaruhi Muslim dan juga non-Muslim,
dengan konsekuensi-konsekuensi tragis.
Gagal memahami sifat Islam yang sebenarnya memungkinkan berlanjutnya
radikalisasi Muslim di seluruh dunia, sementara tidak melihat umat
manusia lainnya pada sebuah solusi yang bersembunyi di depan mata.
Cara paling efektif untuk mengendalikan
ekstremisme Islam adalah menjelaskan apa Islam sebenarnya kepada
Muslim dan juga non-Muslim. Tanpa penjelasan itu, orang-orang akan
cenderung menerima pandangan ekstremis yang tidak ditolak--yang membuat
Muslim semakin radikal, dan mengubah dunia melawan Islam sendiri.
Menunaikan kewajiban ini tidaklah cepat
pun mudah. Dalam beberapa dekade baru-baru ini, ideologi Wahhabi/Salafi
telah menempuh jalan yang substansial di seluruh dunia Muslim. Kaum
fundamentalis telah didanai dengan amat baik, menjadi
gerakan global multi-wajah yang beroperasi bagaikan rangkaian-loko yang tak terkendali di
banyak negara berkembang, dan bahkan di kalangan para imigran Muslim
di komunitas-komunitas Barat. Untuk menetralisasi ideologi yang
sangat berbahaya yang melandasi terorisme fundamentalis dan
mengancam landasan peradaban modern ini, kita harus mengidentifikasi
para pendukungnya,
memahami tujuan-tujuan dan strategi-strateginya, mengevaluasi kekuatan
dan kelemahan mereka, dan menghadapi setiap geraknya secara efektif.
Apa yang sedang kita bicarakan adalah tak lain daripada sebuah
perjuangan global demi jiwa Islam.
Tujuan-tujuan para fundamentalis Sunni (sebagaimana
berlawanan dengan Syi'ah) secara umum termasuk: mengklaim untuk
mengembalikan kesempurnaan Islam awal yang dipraktikkan oleh Nabi
Muhammad saw. dan pata sahabatnya, yang dikenal dalam bahasa Arab
sebagai al-Salaf al-Salih, "Para Pendahulu yang Tulus";
membangun masyarakat utopia yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip Salafi
ini, dengan memaksakan interpretasi mereka atas hukum Islam kepada semua
anggota masyarakat; mengenyahkan varian-varian Islam lokal atas nama
kesejatian dan kemurnian;
mengubah Islam dari sebuah keyakinan personal menjadi sistem politik
yang otoritarian; menegakkan kekhalifahan pan-Islam yang diperintah
sesuai dengan dasar Islam Salaf yang kaku, dan kerap diyakini sebagai
membentang dari Maroko hingga Indonesia dan Filipina; dan,
akhirnya, membawa seluruh dunia di bawah kekuasaan ideologi ekstremis
Strategi fundamentalis kerap sederhana dan juga
cerdas. Para ekstremis dengan cepat membusanai dirinya dalam jubah
Islam dan menyatakan lawan-lawannya sebagai kafir, atau menyembah
berhala, dan dengan demikian melapangkan jalan untuk membantai
Muslim non-fundamentalis. Teologi mereka berpijak di atas sebuah
pembacaan al-Qur'an dan al-Sunnah (tradisi nabawi) yang bersifat
simplistik, literal, dan sangat selektif, yang melaluinya mereka
berusaha menjebak komunitas Muslim di seluruh dunia ke dalam
batas-batas pemahaman ideologis mereka yang dangkal. Secara alamiah
ekspansionis, kebanyakan kelompok fundamentalis terus-menerus
menyelidiki kelemahan dan peluang untuk menyerang, kapan pun dan di mana pun, untuk meraih tujuan-tujuan otoritarian mereka.
Para pejuang bersenjata (pejuang Islam)
yang menyerang dari New York hingga Jakarta, Istanbul, Baghdad, London
dan Madrid hanyalah secuil dari gerombolan itu, baris depan dari
orang-orang yang banyak dan sedang tumbuh yang berbagi
pandangan-pandangan radikal dan tujuan-tujuan akhir mereka.
Kekuatan-kekuatan yang harus diwaspadai dari gerakan fundamentalis
seluruh dunia ini termasuk:
1) Sebuah program agresif dengan tujuan
ideologis dan politis yang jelas;
2) dana luar biasa dari para pendukung Wahhabi yang
kaya-minyak; 3)
kemampuan menyebarkan dana di daerah-daerah miskin untuk membeli
kesetiaan dan kekuasaan; 4) sebuah klaim pada dan aura otentisitas
religius dan prestise Arab; 5) seruan pada identitas, kebanggaan, dan
sejarah Islam; 6) kemampuan untuk berbaur dengan massa tradisional
jauh lebh besar dan mengaburkan perbedaan antara Islam moderat dan
ekstremisme religius; 7)
komitmen full-time oleh para agen/pimpinannya; 8)
jaringan sekolah Islam yang menyebarkan ekstremisme; 9) absennya oposisi
yang terorganisasi di dunia Islam; 10) sebuah jaringan imam
fundamentalis global yang membimbing jemaahnya pada fundamentalisme; 11)
"mesin" yang diminyaki-dengan baik yang bekerja untuk menerjemahkan,
menerbitkan dan membagikan propaganda Wahhabi/Salafi dan membiakkan
ideologinya di seluruh dunia; 12) beasiswa bagi penduduk pribumi untuk
belajar di Arab Saudi dan pulang dengan gelar-gelar dan indoktrinasi,
untuk bekerja sebagai para pemimpin masa depan; 13) kemampuan untuk
melintasi batas-natas negara dan kultur atas nama agama; 14) komunikasi
internet; dan 15) keengganan banyak pemerintah nasional untuk memeriksa
atau mengontrol semua proses ini.
Kita harus menggunakan strategi yang
efektif untuk melawan setiap kekuatan fundamentalis ini. Tujuan ini hanya
bisa dicapai dengan menggabungkan mayoritas Muslim dan
juga non-Muslim cinta-damai seluruh dunia, untuk melakukan kampanye global yang
terkoordinasi yang tujuannya adalah untuk menyelesaikan krisis
kesalahpahaman yang mengancam seluruh dunia.
Sebuah kontra-strategi yang efektif haruslah
didasarkan pada sebuah pertimbangan yang realistik atas
kekuatan-kekuatan dan kelemahan-kelemahan kita sendiri di hadapan
ekstremisme dan teror religius. Perpecahan, tentu, telah terbukti fatal
pada tak terhitung masyarakat manusia yang dihadapkan pada ancaman
eksistensial seperti itu. Kurangnya keseriusan dalam melawan bahaya yang
mendadak juga terbukti fatal. Mereka yang berusaha mempromosikan sebuah
pemahaman Islam yang damai dan toleran harus mengendalikan efek-efek
berkurangnya kekuatan, dan mengerahkan sejumlah kekuatan aktual dan
potensial, yang bisa memainkan peran kunci dalam menetralilsasi ideologi
fundamentalis. Kekuatan-kekuatan ini merupakan aset dalam perjuangan
melawan ekstremisme religius, tapi dalam bentuk cerminnya mereka
menunjukkan kelemahan di pusat ideologi fundamentalis. Semua ini adalah:
1) Kehormatan manusia, yang menuntut
kebebasan kesadaran dan menolak pemaksaan pandangan-pandangan
religius; 2)
kemampuan untuk memobilisai sumber daya yang luar biasa untuk
mengatasi masalah ini begitu ia diidentifikasi, dan sebuah komitmen
global yang dibuat untuk menyelesaikannya; 3) kemampuan untuk
menggerakkan sumber-sumber daya dengan mendukung individu-individu
dan oraganisasi-organisasi yang benar-benar menyambut Islam damai
dan toleran; 4) hampir 1,400 tahun tradisi dan spiritualitas Islam,
yang berbahaya bagi ideologi fundamentalis; 5)
seruan pada kultur/tradisi/kebanggaan lokal dan nasional--sebagiamana
juga Islam; 6) kekuatan semangat feminin, dan fakta bahwa separoh
umat manusia adalah wanita, yang punya peran penting yang inhern
dalam mempengaruhi perjuangan ini; 7) pimpinan dan massa tradisional
dan sufi, yang belum mengalami radikalisasi (jumlah yang luar biasa: 85%
hingga 90% dari 1.3 milyar Muslims dunia); 8)
kemampuan mengendalikan jaringan sekolah Islam untuk menyebarkan Islam
yang damai dan toleran; 9) kecenderungan netral orang-orang dan
organisasi-organisasi yang berpikiran sama untuk bekerja sama ketika
dihadapkan pada bahaya bersama; 10) kemampuan untuk membentuk
jaringan global orang-orang, oraganisasi-oraganisasi, tokoh-tokoh
penting terkemuka untuk mempromosikan gagasan moderat dan progresif
di seluruh dunia Muslim; 11) eksistensi kontra-ideologi, dalam
bentuk ajaran-ajaran Islam tradisional, sufi, dan modern, dan
kemampuan untuk menerjemahkan karya-karya seperti itu ke dalam
bahasa-bahasa kunci;
12) manfaat-manfaat modernitas, karena semua kesalahannya, dan
menyebarnya seruan kultur pop; 13) kemampuan melintasi batas-batas negara dan kultur
atas nama agama; 14) komunikasi internet,
untuk membiakkan pandangan-pandangan proggresif--menghubungkan dan
mengilhami individu-individu dan orang-orang yang berpikiran sama di
seluruh dunia; 15) negara-bangsa; dan 16) hasrat manusia universal
pada kebebasan, keadilan, dan hidup yang lebih baik dan orang-orang
yang dicintai.
Sekalipun secara potensial amat
banyak dari keunggulan ini tetaplah tersembunyi atau tidak jelas, dan
menuntut mobilisasi untuk bisa efektif dalam melawan ideologi
fundamentalis. Bahkan, tidak ada usaha untuk mengalahkan ekstremisme
religius yang bisa berhasil tanpa akhirnya memutus aliran petrodolar
yang digunakan mendanai ekstremisme itu, dari Leeds hingga Jakarta.
Hanya dengan mengetahui masalah itu,
menempatkan tujuan yang penting di dalam dan di antara negara-bangsa, dan
mengadopsi rencana jangka-panjang yang kohern (yang dilaksanakan dengan
pimpinan dan komitmen internasional) yang bisa kita mulai dengan
menerapkan kendali pada menyebarnya gagasan ekstremisme yang tak
terkendali dan berharap menyelesaikan krisis kesalahpahaman dunia
sebelum ekonomi global dan peradaban modern sendiri mulai merangkak di
hadapan serangan-serangan yang benar-benar mematikan.
Muslim sendiri bisa dan harus
menyebarkan pemahaman Islam yang "benar", dan dengan cara demikian
mendiskreditkan ideologi ekstremis. Namun untuk melaksanakan
kewajiban ini menuntut pemahaman dan dukungan dari individu-individu,
organisasi, dan pemerintahan yang berpikiran sama di seluruh dunia.
Tujuan kami adalah untuk mencerahkan hati dan pikiran umat manusia,
dan menawarkan visi Islam alternatif yang meyakinkan,
visi yang menghalau ideologi kebencian fanatik ke dalam kegelapan
tempatnya muncul.[]
Gus Dur, mantan presiden
adalah pelindung dan penasehat senior LibForAll Foundation
sebuah organisasi nirlaba berkedudukan di Indonesia dan AS.
yang bekerja untuk mereduksi ekstemisme religius dan mendiskreditkan
penggunaan terorisme.Available from:
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