Monday, August 23, 2010

Kyai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari's religious thought and political activities (1871-1947)

Kyai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari's religious thought and political activities (1871-1947)
by Khuluq, Lathiful, M.A., McGill University (Canada), 1997 , 130 pages; AAT MQ37211

Abstract (Summary)

This thesis surveys the religious thought and political activities of K. H. (Kyai Haji) Hasyim Asy'ari (1871-1947), founder of both the Pesantren Tebuireng and the Nahdlatul Ulama. Given the extent of his legacy, it will study his life, educational background and pesantren milieu in order to gain an understanding of his career and the events that inspired him. A prolific writer, K. H. Hasyim Asy'ari produced works on theology, sufism, politics and Islamic law. Many of these works will be discussed. His theology was standard Sunni, while his mystical practice and thinking may best be described as sufi/ orthodox. He encouraged Muslims to follow the four Sunni schools (madhahib) in the belief that they contained the most valid teachings. In the political sphere, he called upon Muslims to strengthen the ties of Muslim brotherhood. And although K. H. Hasyim Asy'ari spent most of his life teaching in the pesantren, he also played an important political role, especially as leader of a Muslim unity movement during the late Dutch colonial period, as representative to Muslim organizations active under the Japanese occupation and finally as a supporter of Indonesian independence in the late 1940s. Significantly, K. H. Hasyim Asy'ari was regarded as the preeminent leader of the traditionalist Muslims from the 1920s to the 1940s, but enjoyed the respect of the modernist faction at a time when relations between traditionalists and modernists were strained. In effect, he served as spiritual leader to many 'ulama', soldiers and politicians.

Indexing (document details)

Advisor:Federspiel, Howard M.
School:McGill University (Canada)
School Location:Canada
Source:MAI 37/05, p. 1341, Oct 1999
Source type:Dissertation
Subjects:History, Religion, Philosophy, Political science, Biographies
Publication Number: AAT MQ37211
Document URL:
ProQuest document ID:734655571

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